Simple delay pedal
Simple delay pedal

simple delay pedal

When combined, however, the two effects can create a spectrum of very interesting results, from washed-out soundscapes to eerie ghostly atmospheres that make this combo a must for guitarists with psychedelic and ambient leanings. A Guide to Delay+Reverb Pedal CombosĮcho (aka delay) and Reverb are often grouped as part of the same family of sound effects, and for good reason: reverb is nothing more than thousands of delays as they happen almost simultaneously in a contained space, a multitude of echo reflections that are so close to each other that we can’t distinguish the single repeats. The Degrade for the other modes will add character normally associated with that kind of delay but not modulation.Ready to buy? Please use our affiliate links – that’s what’s allowing us to keep this site alive at no cost to you! Check out also our in-depth article about the Best Delay Pedals and the Best Reverb Pedals. The Obscura's Tape mode with wow+flutter turned up will provide the natural sounding "irregular" modulation at lower settings, and increase will add more extreme crinkle and warp (an acquired taste). cheap chorus circuits that stridently sit atop the delay repeats.

simple delay pedal

However, I find that most sound exactly like what they are. There are a few models where this modulation has been designed well and sounds pleasant or natural. Some later "electronic" delays managed to provide artificial modulation by adding in a "chorus" type circuit on the delay line. Variations in delay pitch and frequency were irregular and caused by wear in the tape and the record/playback machinery. In truth, "modulation" became a well liked side-effect of old style "real" tape "echo" machines. One thing I should note is that with the exception of the Tape delay there is no "bolt on" delay modulation (Depth and Rate controls). OK if it is exactly the delay you were looking for (for example EHX Memory Man or Korg SDD3000 - which each have their own very distinctive sounding delays).īut if you want to model various delay sounds for under $100, its hard to beat the obscura. The problem with many delays is that the tonal character of the "delay in the box" is what you get and what you are stuck with. which similarly has a multitude of "degrade" options, and was the reason I chose the Obscura from a multitude of others. I picked up on this rarely considered aspect of using delay with my Strymon Timeline. The combination of Tone and Degrade controls allows you to carefully "sculpt" the tone of the delays to sit best with the dry in your mix or emulate the tone/character of whichever delay your favourite artist is using. LO-FI - Increases “input channel overdrive”.Here’s a description of the DEGRADE control for each delay type: Here is the "DEGRADE" description from the manual.ĭegrade Knob This knob controls the amount of degradation and its effect on the sound varies depending on which delay type is selected. As well as the usual "Tone" control (Hi/Lo cut/boost) there is also a DEGRADE control for each delay type. Small footprint, solid and heavy as a brick.

#Simple delay pedal full

  • Full sculpting of the delay repeat tone.
  • Tape, Analog, LoFi (Digital) and Reverse.
  • Excellent sounding multi-delay that can be had under $100 NEW since Digitech's recent internal woes.

    Simple delay pedal